Title: Advanced Network Analysis of the Structural Connectome of human brain
Financial Outlay: 25.88L
Title: Investigating the effects of age of onset on the structural connectome in essential tremor through High Angular Resolution Diffusion MRI
Financial Outlay: 58.39L
Title: Multimodality Neuroimage Analysis for Brain Pathologies
Financial Outlay: 60.98L
Title: Multi-domain and multi-scale Virtual Statistical Musculoskeletal Models: Bringing Digital Human Technology in medical imaging-based clinical practices.
Financial Outlay: 86.20L
Title: "Association of obesity and brain health: A neuroimaging-based comparison in urban middle-aged Indian men."
Financial Outlay: 10.00L
Title: Artificially intelligent algorithms for the assessment of Femoroacetabular Impingement to generate personalized treatment strategies.
Financial Outlay: 20.00L
Title: Statistical shape modeling based Finite Element models of pediatric knees and ACL injury risk.
Financial outlay: 23.22L
Title: Characterizing cognitive decline and dementia in Parkinson's disease via high resolution multimodal MRI analysis
Financial Outlay: 52.88L
Title: Fostering multi-disciplinary artificial intelligence AI-Assisted research for health and sustainable environment
Financial Outlay: 1.00CR